East KY Hwy 80 - Adair County - Kentucky As seen from Birch Road Saturday_25-May-2024
This has always been one of the better kept farms anywhere around; everything in good repair and everything neat as a pin.
Photos taken through the windshield of my truck.
The white block addition to the left side of the black barn is a dairy parlor.
Alas, Southern Belle don't stop here anymore.
The Silo
GPS Coordinates of the Silo: 37.076174°N 85.207929°W 964'
Elements 7 ~~~ 64-bit Windows 7
On a poverty-level Kentucky budget, a 24-exposure roll of film would have two Christmases and a summer vacation on it and we might have to wait another six months before being able to afford developing the film.
I still have trouble remembering that it doesn't cost anything to take thousands of pictures; it just almost seems impossible to be true.